windows batch file. This tip is actually the one that inspired
me to create this blog I had actually forgotten about it
(my friends don't seem to have much interest in froogle!) but
I rediscovered it today and decided to share it here so others
can benefit (or at least I'm unlikely to forget it again!)
Everybody knows Froogle right?
good. Ok having had a browse and put some items I'm interested
in on my wishlist, I was curious to see if anyone else I knew
had done the same thing and Google being the forward thinking
people they are had provided the facility where you can put in
a friends email and see their wishlist (or a message saying they
don't have one)
Well being blessed with a large number of friends (or at least
other peoples email addresses) that looked like a lot of typing
and clicking that I would have to repeat to see if people had
updated or, indeed, created wishlists.
So I set about creating a batch file that would do the job for
me and here it is.
FOR /F %%A IN (email.txt) DO (c:\progra~1\Mozill~1\firefox.exe^&email=%%A^&Find=Find)
(all the above is on one line!)
- email.txt (in same directory as batch file) contains a list of email addresses on separate lines.
- I have firefox in there but you can use xp ( firefox will by default open these all in tabs, internet explorer of course will open separate windows, and interestingly will wait for you to close one before opening the next).
- this works on XP , changes may be required for older/newer versions of windows.
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